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Using Libby on iOS with VoiceOver Tutorials

Last updated: June 2, 2023

Libby is a library reading app with hundreds of ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines. Your local library provides it, so you only need your library card to sign in/up!

Below we have provided tutorials on navigating through the Libby app using the VoiceOver screen reader on iOS. The tutorials are broken down into small sections, each covering one area of the app. They include text instructions and demonstration videos.

The tutorials are on the Libby iOS 5.0.5 and were recorded using iPhone XR running iOS15.3.1.

Access to the content that Libby provides is dependent on your public library. Not all services may be available.

Happy Reading!

Related Tutorial Pages

  1. Signing up and Signing In
  2. Searching Libby
  3. Browsing Search Results
  4. Adding Headings to Your VoiceOver Rotor
  5. Explore Libby Using Search or Library Tabs
  6. Search for a Specific Item
  7. Learn More about a Book
  8. Find Books You Have Placed a Hold On
  9. Reading Books
  10. Reading Audiobooks
  11. Reading Magazines
  12. Returning or Renewing Content
  13. Tips for Exploring on Your Own