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Downloading a NNELS Digital Book

Last updated: August 16, 2021

Download Links

Whether you are on a page of search results, looking at a list of titles in a collection, or have clicked on a book title to view its details, you will find one or more download links.

Multiple download links indicates the availability of a variety of digital formats and versions. The following two examples will clarify this Further.

Example 1

If a book is available in DAISY and EPUB formats, you will see links called “Download EPUB 3” and “Download DAISY 202 – Audio.” The size of the file is shown in parentheses.

Example 2

If you see that there are multiple mp3 download links associated with a book, this means that the format is the same, but the versions are different. Each version may be read by a different narrator.

Note:  If the file is larger than 400 MB, you will see this message before the download link: “This file's size is larger than average on NNELS. Expect a longer download time than usual, depending on your connection.”


If you are unsure of what each format is, we encourage you to read our Format guide. However, in a nutshell, formats can be separated into two major categories, audiobooks and Ebooks.


For audiobooks, we have DAISY-Audio and MP3 formats. DAISY-Audio is an audiobook that offers additional navigation options such as the ability to jump by phrase, paragraph or sections like footnotes and endnotes.  This is often used in academic publications. These files can only be played in applications and devices that support this format. They are generally designed for readers with print disabilities. MP3 audiobooks provide more limited navigation features. Files are only split into chapters or major sections. However, they can be played on any program or device.


For Ebooks, we have the Electronic Publication format (EPUB), Microsoft Word documents (doc), and Portable Document Format (PDF) in our collection. EPUBs is the most accessible format because they offer a great deal of flexibility in navigation and can contain accessibility specific customizations for readers with print disabilities. Also, they can be read on almost every reading program or device due to its mainstream adoption by publishers. Microsoft Word documents are also very accessible. They can be accessed using word processors that support this format. PDFs are not as accessible as the other two formats. However, every PDF that NNELS produces is made as accessible as possible. It is also a mainstream format that can be read on many devices.

Click on the link for the format or version of your choice. Based on how your web browser’ is configured, it may immediately begin downloading the file or pop up a dialogue asking if you would like to save the file. Ensure that the file is saved in a folder that is easily accessible to you. The file name will start with the name of the book, followed by the ISBN (the book number), and will end in .zip, .doc, or .epub. All audiobooks such as DAISY and Mp3 formats end in .zip because the book contains many files. Ebooks will mostly end in .doc for Microsoft Word documents, .epub for the electronic publication format, .PDF for the Portable Document Format, and brf for the braille ready format.