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Online dating

  • Author:
    Topol, Carolyn LeVine

    The Male Room: Book Three Nick’s writing partner and best friend is tired of watching his buddy screw his life away to overcome the heartbreak of his first great love affair, and he also thinks that a romantic comedy playwright should...

  • Author:
    Topol, Carolyn Levine

    Craig just got fired from his dead-end job, and Jeff just got kicked out of his dead-end relationship. Frustrated with their unhappy lives, the two friends decide to let off some steam by going out to the Music Box, the town’s most...

  • Author:
    Monroe, Mary

    In the stunning climax of New York Times bestselling author Mary Monroe's Lonely Heart, Deadly Heart series, the tension-and the heat-reach unforgettable heights as two restless women go after the ultimate satisfaction.and a killer...

  • Author:
    Lasky, Michael, Silverstein, Judith

    Chances are you've heard about Internet dating from a friend, or an online banner ad has caught your eye. If you've given online dating a passing consideration, you may have some fears from all those graphic horror stories that jar your...

  • Author:
    Grubisic, Brett Josef

    Meet Marcus O, a man who's feeling older but not much wiser as he sets jaded eyes on that last vigorous stretch before the dreaded sunset years. With the approach of the terminal semester of a long-winded career, he's...

  • Author:
    Irving, Jan

    Hiding behind the safe mask of Obsidian, his online persona, Kain Mitchell woos Nick Anders, an untouched artist. Nick tells himself that Obsidian is merely his erotic muse, but when Kain drags him down into his dark world, echoing the...

  • Author:
    Hultin, Claire, Hultin, Lisa

    Have you ever had an unforgettable date? Sure you have, but did he arrive dressed as Elvis and it wasn't Halloween? What about the guy who said, "I'm divorced" but failed to mention having since remarried? Learn how to be a savvy...

  • Author:
    Ashby, Ainsley

    After two long years of trying to find love, Waverly Scott has become disenchanted with the world of online dating.When her phone rings one morning during a heavy thunderstorm, Waverly expects it to be a customer calling, but she’s...

  • Author:
    Kent, Alison

    Site de rencontres, trouve-moi quelqu’un… point com ! Michelle Snow ne s’imagine pas trouver l’amour par l’intermédiaire d’un site Internet de rencontres, mais quand les 30 ans lui tombent dessus, Michelle décide qu’elle n’a rien à...

  • Author:
    Reed, Rick R.

    Nate Tippie and Brandon Wilde are gay, single and both hoping to meet that special man, even though fate has not yet delivered him to their doorstep. Nate's sister, Hannah, and her kooky best friend, Marilyn, are about to help fate with...

  • Author:
    Poirier, Vanessa

    Marie-Pier, une grande romantique qui croit encore au prince charmant, est en continuelle quête de l’amour de sa vie. Vous pourrez suivre ses aventures pendant ses multiples rencontres avec des hommes tous plus spéciaux les uns que les...

  • Author:
    Lopes, Angela

    Bridge Retakes, the debut novel by Angela Lopes, is a whirlwind millennial tale of love and family and the distances that people will (or won't) go to secure what they want. A Bahian man and a Brazilian-Canadian woman meet on an online...

  • Author:
    Riley, Con

    Seattle Stories: Book One A year after the sudden death of his longtime partner, Ben, Theo Anderson is still grieving. The last thing he’s looking for is a new lover. But as Theo soon discovers, sometimes life has other plans. While...

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