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The Sexual Harassment Handbook Protect Yourself and Coworkers From the Realities of Sexual Harassment

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  • Publisher:
    Career Press, 2007
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Date:

    At last, a book that addresses the key to contemporary marketing. Do you think you have to put up with inappropriate sexual behavior to get ahead in your career? Or have you been the victim of sexual harassment and don't know to do about it?Are you concerned that anything you do or say could be interpreted as sexual harassment? What are the rules and boundaries? The Sexual Harassment Handbook is the first book that gives you the insight to assess a sexual situation on the job and take effective action, before the lawyers are called in. Many situations involving sexual harassment can be prevented or resolved if you recognize what's happening and know what to do. The Sexual Harassment Handbook answers questions such as: -What is the main reason people sue over sexual harassment? -Can men be sexually harassed? -Can I be harassed if I am a manager or supervisor? -Why is dating a subordinate almost always a bad idea? Linda Gordon Howard's expertise as an attorney, consultant and trainer has helped thousands of people navigate the changing rules of sexual harassment. Her practical methods have been applied successfully in large and small organizations, including the White House, The United States Senate, The Ohio State University School of Law, the New York City Law Department, and Hunter College of the City University of New York. She resides in New York City.

    Original Publisher: Franklin Lakes, Career Press
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9781601637994