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  • Publisher:
    Playwrights Canada Press, 2018
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Date:

    "She doesn't care about me; she doesn't even want to see me; she just pretends she does." Shy, fourteen-year-old Maddie wasn't expecting to have to worry about taking care of herself just yet. Her sixteen-year-old party-girl sister Bea has scandalously moved in with their mom's ex-boyfriend, and in turn their brassy mother Sheila has run straight to the comfort of another lover. Maddie is finding that an empty apartment is quiet and lonely, even though her time is normally spent reading comics in her closet. Feeling abandoned and vulnerable, she turns to her favourite superhero, Arrowette. Armed with a backpack filled with a bow and arrows, she embarks on a radical plan to join the army, where she thinks she will find a new family she can count on. Meanwhile, Bea is second-guessing the whole dating an older man thing, and Sheila defends her unorthodox sexual candour, entertaining the ideals of freedom. When Bea and Sheila decide to come home for Maddie's birthday, they're faced with the pointed arrow of Maddie's newfound power and the startling reality of the kind of family they've become.

    Original Publisher: Toronto, Playwrights Canada Press
    Language(s): English