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Policing and gendered justice examining the possibilities

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    Women continue to be underrepresented in policing, and female officers are more likely to work in gender-specific areas within their organizations. Policing and Gendered Justice provides a comprehensive analysis of women and policing in North America. It further enhances the body of knowledge on gender and policing by bridging the gap between theory and practice, and by using an empowerment approach to encourage discussion of the need to make ideological and structural changes and the need to promote social action and social change. Through a critical, feminist examination of gender and policing, and through a comparative analysis of women in policing in Canada and the United States, Corsianos offers a unique and original account of women police officers' experiences and the role that feminist analyses can play in providing greater justice.

    • 1. The History of Women in Policing in the United States and Canada
    • 2. Gender Analyses in Criminology and Policing
    • 3. Responding to Gendered Aspects of Policing Using Different Feminist Perspectives/Paradigms
    • 4. The Police Culture: Gender, Ideology, and the "Brotherhood of Policing"
    • 5. Gender and Community Policing: Can Community Policing Promote Gendered Justice?
    • 6. Gender, Detectives, and Discretionary Powers
    • 7. Gender Identity and Shared Policing Experiences
    • 8. Effecting Change through the Use of Feminist Methods and Action-Research
    Original Publisher: Toronto : University of Toronto Press, c2009
    Language(s): English