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Canadian nonfiction

Fire spook : the mysterious Nova Scotia haunting

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  • Publisher:
    Nimbus, 2018
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Author: Graham, Monica

    Just below the Antigonish-Guysborough County line, there is an overgrown spot, nearly impossible to find without a guide, where the cursed MacDonald farm once stood. Though no physical trace remains, the legend of the mysterious events that once took place lives on. In the newest addition to the Stories of our Past series, Monica Graham exposes the fascinating history behind the fire-spook of Caledonia Mills, Nova Scotia, a true story that spread as quickly and uncontrollably as the flames that started it all. But were these spontaneous fires and sinister sightings the work of a poltergeist, or of a troubled young woman?

    Original Publisher: [S.l.], Nimbus
    Language(s): English

The medium is the monster : Canadian adaptations of Frankenstein and the discourse of technology

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  • Date:

    Technology, a word that emerged historically first to denote the study of any art or technique, has come, in modernity, to describe advanced machines, industrial systems, and media. McCutcheon argues that it is Mary Shelley's 1818 novel Frankenstein that effectively reinvented the meaning of the word for modern English. It was then Marshall McLuhan's media theory and its adaptations in Canadian popular culture that popularized, even globalized, a Frankensteinian sense of technology. The Medium Is the Monster shows how we cannot talk about technology-that human-made monstrosity-today without conjuring Frankenstein, thanks in large part to its Canadian adaptations by pop culture icons such as David Cronenberg, William Gibson, Margaret Atwood, and Deadmau5. In the unexpected connections illustrated by The Medium Is the Monster, McCutcheon brings a fresh approach to studying adaptations, popular culture, and technology.

    Original Publisher: Edmonton, Alberta, AU Press
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9781771992251, 9781771992268
    Collection(s)/Series: Read Alberta Ebooks

The flower of youth : the Pier Paolo Pasolini poems

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  • Publisher:
    ECW Press, 2011
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Date:

    The poems in The Flower of Youth depict the coming of age and into sexual difference of the great writer and film director, Pier Paolo Pasolini. The time of this story is World War II; the place is German-occupied northern Italy. Unlike his younger brother, Guido, who took up arms to fight in the resistance, Pasolini chose to help his mother set up a school for the boys, mostly sons of farmers, too young to fight or be conscripted. The situation ignited an internal war that nearly eclipsed the historical moment for the young Pasolini, a battle within between his desire for boys and his Catholic faith and culture. The book is a kind of novel in verse including a prologue and epilogue that details di Michele's search for Pasolini, her pilgrimage to the place and research into the time that shaped him as a man and as an artist.

    Original Publisher: ECW Press
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9781770901063

Les littératures franco-canadiennes à l’épreuve du temps

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  • Publisher:
    Les Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa, 2017
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Date:

    « Les littératures de l’exiguïté, dont font partie les ensembles littéraires franco-canadiens, restent fascinées par les sémantiques de l’espace. Elles en oublient leur longue histoire et renoncent, par là, aux riches taxonomies liées au passé collectif et à la mémoire, tant elles s’entêtent à coïncider avec les territoires imaginés, géographiques et identitaires, où elles s’inscrivent. » Lucie Hotte et François Paré ont réuni des études qui témoignent du dynamisme de l’activité littéraire franco-canadienne marquée par l’histoire, mais aussi représentative de l’image que chacune des collectivités se fait d’elle-même et de son avenir. Les œuvres analysées illustrent la recherche esthétique d’une grande originalité, menée par les écrivains franco-canadiens dans des conditions souvent difficiles sur le plan des institutions littéraires et des moyens de publication ou de diffusion. Cet ouvrage réunit les textes de Marie Carrière, Jeanette den Toonder, Grégoire Holtz, Lucie Hotte, Kathleen Kellett, Louise Ladouceur, Jean Morency, François Paré, Pamela V. Sing, Jimmy Thibeault et Emmanuelle Tremblay. En somme, une multiplicité de regards et une synthèse unique sur la francophonie canadienne durant plus de quatre siècles d’écriture. Une coédition avec le Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française.

    Original Publisher: Ottawa, Les Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa
    Language(s): French

Voices of the elders : Huu-ay-aht histories and legends

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  • Publisher:
    Heritage House, 2013
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Date:

    There is a special place on the southeastern shores of Barkley Sound, on the west coast of Vancouver Island. It is a magnificent landscape of rocky cliffs fronting onto the wild Pacific Ocean, sheltered beaches, lakes, mountains and forests. Since the beginning of time, it has been the ancestral home of the Huu-ay-aht First Nation. Drawing directly from oral history passed down by generations of Huu-ay-aht chiefs and elders, Kathryn Bridge and Kevin Neary tell the compelling stories of the Huu-ay-aht people from their perspective. This is a fascinating glimpse into the complex and rich history of a West Coast First Nation, from creation tales and accounts of their traditional ways to the recent Maa’nulth treaty.

    Original Publisher: [S.l.], Heritage House
    Language(s): English

Quests for fire : tales from many lands

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  • Publisher:
    Heritage House, 2012
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Date:

    It is hard to imagine life without fire. Heat, light, food—where would we be without these essentials? Although we do not rely on fire as much today as in times past, nor have as much direct contact with it, fire was often crucial to survival when the stories in this collection were first told. People often told stories about it: what their lives were like without fire, how they first acquired it and how it changed their lives.This collection of nine traditional tales, retold by Jon C. Stott, draws from eight different countries. Learn how Maui stole fire twice (New Zealand), how Coyote and his friends captured fire (United States), how Opossum brought fire back to the people (Mexico) and how Vasilisa used the Baba Yaga’s fire (Russia). The main characters of these stories differ in many aspects. Some are well-known heroes, and some are insignificant members of their groups. Some made their quests for fire alone, and some worked with others. Some were brave and unselfish, and some sought personal glory. But all knew that fire was essential for their people.

    Subject(s): Fire | Fire--Mythology | Tales | Folklore | Legends
    Original Publisher: [S.l.], Heritage House
    Language(s): English

Dangerous spirits : the windigo in myth and history

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  • Publisher:
    Heritage House, 2014
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Author: Smallman, Shawn

    In the traditional Algonquian world, the windigo is the spirit of selfishness, which can transform a person into a murderous cannibal. Native peoples over a vast stretch of North America—from Virginia in the south to Labrador in the north, from Nova Scotia in the east to Minnesota in the west—believed in the windigo, not only as a myth told in the darkness of winter, but also as a real danger. Drawing on oral narratives, fur traders' journals, trial records, missionary accounts, and anthropologists’ field notes, this book is a revealing glimpse into indigenous beliefs, cross-cultural communication, and embryonic colonial relationships. It also ponders the recent resurgence of the windigo in popular culture and its changing meaning in a modern context.

    Original Publisher: Victoria, Heritage House
    Language(s): English

Skywatcher's companion : constellations and their mythology

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  • Publisher:
    Heritage House, 2011
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Author: Shadick, Stan

    An informative sidekick to Stan Shadick's annual award-winning Skywatchers calendars, Skywatcher's Companion presents fascinating stories for skywatchers of all ages. Discover the wonders of the night sky and learn how to find the star patterns that have inspired the myths and storytelling of great cultures of the past. Meet the gods and goddesses of Rome, Greece and Mesopotamia and see how they found their way into the many constellations that dominate the ever-changing northern sky. Learn how the same stars inspired legends of the Native peoples in Canada, the United States, northern Europe and elsewhere. See how the sky changes with the seasons but always remains the biggest movie screen in the universe.

    Original Publisher: [S.l.], Heritage House
    Language(s): English

Corbeau vole la lumière

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  • Publisher:
    Éditions des Plaines, 2012
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Date:

    « Avant qu’il y ait quoi que ce soit au monde, avant que les eaux recouvrent tout puis se retirent, avant qu’il y ait sur la terre des animaux, dans l’air des oiseaux, dans la mer des poissons, des baleines et des phoques, il y avait un vieil homme qui vivait dans une maison, au bord d’une rivière, avec son unique enfant, une fille. Qu’elle soit belle comme les branches du sapin ciguë sur un ciel de printemps au lever du soleil ou laide comme une limace de mer est à vrai dire de peu d’importance dans cette histoire qui se passe à peu près complètement dans l’obscurité. » C’est toute la richesse de la mythologie haïda qui éclate dans l’œuvre Corbeau vole la lumière. À travers les mésaventures cocasses mais néanmoins profondes de Corbeau le filou, on découvre des récits à la fois poignants et pittoresques, dans un monde où les animaux parlent, où les rêves deviennent réalité, où les monstres et les hommes vivent côte à côte. Au-delà d’un échantillonnage de violence, de roublardise et de vindicte, c’est tout un monde où règnent l’amour et la communication entre les espèces qui se révèle à nous.

    Original Publisher: [S.l.], Éditions des Plaines
    Language(s): French

Légendes autochtones

Available Formats:

  • Publisher:
    Éditions du Chardon Bleu, 2012
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


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