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Places in the Heart

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  • Publisher:
    Andrews McMeel Publishing, 2012
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Author: Kinkade, Thomas

    "My mission as an artist is to capture those special moments in life adorned with beauty and light. I work to create images that project a serene simplicity that can be appreciated and enjoyed by everyone. That's what I mean by sharing the light." —Thomas Kinkade Collectors and fans worldwide were awed by Thomas Kinkade's mastery of capturing the beauty and warmth of light in subjects as varied as windswept seas, majestic mountains, idyllic meadows, peaceful forest glens, cozy cottages, quaint villages and inviting front porches. It earned him the nickname "The Painter of Light" and made him America's most widely collected artist.On their own, his tranquil, luminous paintings affirm the basic values of family, home, faith in God and the beauty of nature. Here, they are displayed with heartwarming and inspirational thoughts and sentiments for an experience that is profoundly moving and uplifting.

    Original Publisher: [s.l.], Andrews McMeel Publishing
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9781449426323