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The Perfect Man He's sweet. He's smooth. And If You Need a Friend, You Can Chew His Ear Off.

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  • Publisher:
    Andrews McMeel Publishing, 2013
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Date:

    Just when women were ready to give up on their collective quest for the perfect man, he surfaced in 1989. That year, The Perfect Man began as a successful poster series. Since then it's grown into a megasuccessful, multiproduct franchise that has sprung everything from mugs, key chains and stickers to t-shirts, calendars, cookies and now, for the first time, a hardcover book. This hilarious 96-page book features clever full-color photos topped with three surefire reasons why the man pictured is "the perfect man." "He's quiet. He's sweet. And if he gives you any grief, you can bite his head off." The Perfect Man — a gingerbread man. "He's young. He's cute. And he'll always come crawling back to you." This Perfect Man? Why, a baby, of course. "He's tall. He's thin. And if a cuter guy comes along, you can always leave him hanging." He's a hangman stick figure, alias the Perfect Man.

    Original Publisher: Kansas City, Andrews McMeel Publishing
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9781449410681