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Orthogonal : the war at home

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  • Publisher:
    Orthogonal SF, 2016
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


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    Not all wars are fought on the battlefield. From the Arctic ice to the front hall closet, from the depths of space to the laptop screen, discover the conflicts closer to home in the first five stories chosen during the first anonymous reading period at Read the letter she thought she'd never write, revealing the secret past of someone you thought you knew in Sarah L. Johnson's "The First Wife" Look into the face of anarchy and see your own eyes staring back in "#Anon and the Antlers" by Michael J. Deluca. Joyriding fathers might be stuck in space but a pair of foul-mouthed sons will never give up in Douglas W. Milliken's "Tootsie-Pop." Taste the horrors lurking beneath the delicious, shimmering surface of the perfect home in Alana I. Capria's "Gelatin Molds." In a future of near-infinite possibility, are you a Min or a Max? The answer is waiting in Josh Pearce's "A Citizen's Guide to the Kingdom of Heaven."

    Subject(s): Secrets
    Original Publisher: [s.l.], Orthogonal SF
    Language(s): English