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The optimistic workplace : creating an environment that energizes everyone

Available Formats:

  • Running Time: 07:02 hrs
    Narrator: Tim Andres Pabon
    Blackstone Audio, Inc., 2016
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Author: Murphy, Shawn
    Contributor: Pabon, Andrés
    Edition: Unabridged

    AAn inspiring new take on workplace environment and crafting improved employee engagementWhen it comes to work these days, we're expected to do more with less--but is this nose-to-the-grindstone philosophy the best way to run a business? Alarmingly low employee engagement numbers indicate otherwise. So, if pushing everyone harder isn't the path to productivity, what is? Supported by the latest research, this eye-opening book argues that our best work is the product of a positive environment. That's good news for you as a manager. While you can't personally transform corporate culture, you can influence workplace climate and create meaningful and lasting change. Advocating a steward model of management, The Optimistic Workplace reveals how toexplore personal and organizational purposes--and align them for astonishing results;overcome resistance and skepticism;build camaraderie and deepen loyalty;increase intrinsic motivation;help your team find meaning in their work;identify goals collaboratively and track progress; and more. Examples from companies large and small demonstrate how this people-centric focus ignites employee potential, increases innovation, and catapults organizations to new levels of performance. Far from being a wish-upon-a-star discussion of workplace happiness, this book presents an array of surprisingly simple strategies as well as practical thirty-, sixty-, and ninety-day plans designed to focus your actions and make employee optimism not just a worthy goal--but a real and measurable result.

    Subject(s): Work environment
    Original Publisher: [Ashland, Oregon], Blackstone Audio, Inc.
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 1469002973, 9781469002972