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Matchbook A Novel

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  • Publisher:
    Word River Press, 2015
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Date:

    If you found a matchbook with a phone number, would you call? What would you do if a murderer answered? Award-winning writer Desireé Prosapio's suspense novel Matchbook follows the harrowing quest of a most unlikely heroine. Driven into a deep depression by the death of her daughter, Carol Lassiter has been homeless for three years. She's working out of her self-declared homeless oasis, a perfect place for collecting money while she nods in and out of an alcohol-inspired haze. As she gathers her box of "donations," she discovers a matchbook with a phone number scrawled on the inside cover. When she calls the number, she's hurled back into the nightmare she's been desperately trying to forget. The voice on the other end claims to have an answer to the question that savagely unraveled her world to begin with — the death of her daughter Ella. Carol begins a nerve-wracking journey following clues about the last weeks of her daughter's life, guided by the voice of a man who might be her killer, or her persistent and terrifying delusion. At points tender and other hilarious, Matchbook is a compelling and suspenseful read that will keep you riveted to the very end.

    Original Publisher: [s.l.], Word River Press
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 1512324396