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Malcolm X : by any means necessary

Available Formats:

  • Running Time: 04:30 hrs
    Narrator: J. D. Jackson
    Blackstone Audio, 2012
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Contributor: Jackson, JD
    Edition: Unabridged

    As a fourteen-year-old, he was Malcolm Little, the president of his class and a top student. At sixteen, he was hustling tips at a Boston nightclub. In Harlem, he was known as Detroit Red, a slick street operator. At nineteen, he was back in Boston, leading a gang of burglars. At twenty, he was in prison. It was in prison that Malcolm Little started the journey that would lead him to adopt the name Malcolm X, and there he developed his beliefs about what being black means in America--beliefs that shook America then and still shake America today.

    Original Publisher: [Ashland, Oregon], Blackstone Publishing
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9781935430957, 1935430955, 9781620644508, 1620644509