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Launch the hunt : grizzly rim, volume 1

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  • Publisher:
    Unknown, 2015
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Author: West, Mia

    Bush pilot John Tillman never expected to raise his kid sister. As her graduation approaches, he can almost taste the freedom of the empty nest in his near future—to fly in his eagle form for days…walk around his house naked…maybe even bring a man into his bed for the first time in years. To save her college fund, John’s taking every run his plane can handle and doing his best to keep his shifting under the radar. Then his latest job walks into the local bar with a strange gait and velvety Southern drawl.After three tours, two new legs, and one long-overdue divorce, the only thing Logan Maddox is counting on now is a distraction-free hunting trip with the son whose teen years he’s almost missed. Logan isn’t a hero, just a guy trying to readjust with new parameters. If he hasn’t quite put into practice the gay identity he’s finally accepted…well, it’s not top priority. But fate has its own tactics, and the only pilot available to ferry them looks like a recruitment ad for Alaska’s hottest unit, and arrives with a seventeen-year-old girl in tow.LAUNCH THE HUNT is the 1st book (30,000 words) of GRIZZLY RIM, a steamy paranormal romance series featuring M/M heroes of all stripes:1. LAUNCH THE HUNT2. SURRENDER THE CHASE3. EMBRACE THE BEASTGRIZZLY RIM SeriesThe men of Grizzly Rim are a lot of things, but always human isn’t one of them. These shifters landed in this remote Alaska village for different reasons, but the same thing keeps them there: a massive wilderness where they can soar, lope, paddle, and hide.But nature doesn’t play fair. A horny shifter can change form without warning, and nothing amps the libido like the extremes of the northern sun. Throw in feverish auroras, strange tides, and unexpected visitors, and this year’s brew is more potent than ever.For the shifters of Grizzly Rim, one thing is becoming achingly clear: no matter where you hole up, eventually your secrets will catch your scent.

    Original Publisher: [s.l.], Unknown
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9780990544869