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Find me : faeries lost series, book one

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  • Publisher:
    s.n, 2014
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Date:

    Pandimora loves the faerie realm Aisywel, but she's a bit of a rebel, has little interest in the rich faerie history, loves to listen in on private conversations and hops portals into the earth realm against the advice of the high elders. All in all her independent spirit isn't going so well in the faerie realm, but what she knows about herself as a faerie will be sorely tested when she is kicked out of her beloved Aisywel. Forced to confront a terrible crime by one of her own high elders, a crime that involves the family she never knew she had, Pandimora must decide how far she will go to expose the truth, even if it means she will be forever exiled from the place she calls home. Private investigator Drew Maddox deals in the hard facts of life, so when a faerie falls in the middle of the highway, his world is knocked off kilter. He pursues the mystery of who she is, putting his human life at peril as he follows her to a hidden world he never knew existed, a world he could get lost inside forever if he makes a wrong choice.

    Original Publisher: [s.l.], [s.n.]
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9781939061324