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An Easy Thing A Hector Belascoaran Shayne Detective Novel / Volume 1

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  • Publisher:
    Poisoned Pen Press, 2012
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Date:

    Set amidst the political turbulence and social unrest of contemporary Mexico City, An Easy Thing introduces English-speaking readers to Taibo’s human and world-weary protagonist, independent detective Héctor Belascoarán Shayne. In this debut outing, our hero, who, incidentally, possesses an insatiable appetite for Coca Cola and cigarettes, tackles three cases simultaneously: a killing in a corrupt factory; the deadly threats against a former porn starlet’s teenage daughter; and, strangely, the search for Emiliano Zapata, folk hero and leader of the Mexican Revolution, rumored to be alive and hiding out in a cave outside Mexico City. Combining black comedy, social history and a touch of surrealism, Paco Taibo’s wonderfully idiosyncratic detective novels are admired the world over and are particularly popular in Europe and in the Spanish-speaking world.

    Subject(s): FICTION / General
    Original Publisher: US, Poisoned Pen Press
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9781615953417