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Deadly innocent

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  • Publisher:
    Touchwood Editions, 2011
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Author: Gallaher, Bill

    Best-selling chronicler of the gold rush Bill Gallaher now brings us the compelling story of the Rennie brothers. Lured by dreams of wealth and a better life, William, Gilbert and Thomas Rennie set out for the Cariboo goldfields in the spring of 1862. But because of their late departure, they encountered unimaginable consequences. They crossed the prairies in good order with the famous Father Lacombe and continued along the well-marked trail of the Overlanders into the mountains. But after that, nothing went according to plan. Deadly Innocent captures the essence of this drama in its riveting account of love, hope and the limits of human endurance. The third of Bill Gallaher’s chronicles of the Cariboo gold rush, Deadly Innocent is a captivating addition to his treasure trove of stories about the gold rush and fascinating characters from B.C.’s past.

    Original Publisher: [S.l.], Touchwood Editions
    Language(s): English