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The Customer Is Not Always Right Hilarious and Horrific Tales of Customers Gone Wrong

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  • Publisher:
    Andrews McMeel Publishing, 2009
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Author: Adams, A. J.

    Retailers, restaurants, and tech support providers believe service is king, but in The Customer Is Not Always Right, A. J. Adams proves that customers will do anything they can to put that motto to the test. Readers get a collection of insights and stories from the popular Web site The book and site showcase customer-relations horror stories everyone can relate to. No matter what side of the counter you're on, there are hilarious tales about everything that can go wrong between the customer and retail or service provider. Whether it's a confrontation in the drive-through over not enough fries or arguing over a one-cent price difference on milk, this book proves the principle of "the customer is always right" can be dead wrong. From groaning, to intense complaining, to situations that leave workers asking, "Are you serious?" readers will enjoy these hilarious tales of customers gone wrong.

    Original Publisher: [s.l.], Andrews McMeel Publishing
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9780740797798