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The confident woman : asserting yourself at work, love and play

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  • Contributor: Shaevitz, Morton H.
    Edition: Unabridged

    This new, groundbreaking book is written for women of all ages (including teens), stages and backgrounds who put everything and everybody before themselves and end up feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, depleted, and deprived. Not your run-of-the-mill, self-help book, The Confident Woman shows readers how they can have saner, better balanced, healthier, happier and more meaningful personal and professional lives by making small changes in their attitudes and behaviors.

    • Assertiveness
    • Communication
    • Management skills for work and home
    • Taking care of me without feeling guilty.
    Original Publisher: Prince Frederick, Md., Recorded Books
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9781449896676