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Climate, Culture, Change Inuit and Western Dialogues with a Warming North

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  • Publisher:
    University of Ottawa Press, 2011
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Date:

    Every day brings new headlines about climate change as politicians debate how to respond, scientists offer new data, and skeptics critique the validity of the research. To step outside these scientific and political debates, Timothy Leduc engages with various Inuit understandings of northern climate change. What he learns is that today’s climate changes are not only affecting our environments, but also our cultures. By focusing on the changes currently occurring in the north, he highlights the challenges being posed to Western climate research, Canadian politics and traditional Inuit knowledge. Climate, Culture, Change sheds light on the cultural challenges posed by northern warming and proposes an intercultural response that is demonstrated by the blending of Inuit and Western perspectives.

    Subject(s): Nunavut
    Original Publisher: Ottawa, University of Ottawa Press
    Language(s): English