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The age of migration international population movements in the modern world

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  • Contributor: Miller, Mark J.
    Edition: 4th ed., Rev. & updated

    This work offers a global perspective on the nature of migration flows, why they take place, and their consequences for states and societies around the world. Chapters provide up-to-date descriptions and comparative analyses of major migration regions in the North and South. The role of population movements in the formation of ethnic minority groups is examined, as is the impact of growing ethnic diversity on economies, cultures, and political institutions. User-friendly features include accessible boxed examples, tables, and maps.

    • Age of Migration Website
    • Note on Migration Statistics
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Theories of Migration
    • 3. Globalization, Development and Migration
    • 4. International Migration before 1945
    • 5. Migration to Europe, North America and Oceania since 1945
    • 6. Migration in the Asia-Pacific Region
    • 7. Migration in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and North Africa, and Latin America
    • 8. State and International Migration: The Quest for Control
    • 9. Migration and Security
    • 10. Migrants and Minorities in the Labour Force
    • 11. New Ethnic Minorities and Society
    • 12. Migrants and Politics
    • 13. Conclusion: Migration and Mobility in the Twenty-First Century.
    Original Publisher: New York : Guilford Press, c2009
    Language(s): English