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Video: How one library uses assistive technology

Last updated: March 26, 2021

NNELS partners should be familiar with the Accessible Library Services for Persons with Disabilities website info from OLA. Here is one of our favorite picks.

Assistive Technology in the Library

In this scenario, a library customer who has vision loss would like to search the online catalogue using assistive technology. Included is a common sense approach to interacting with a person with a guide dog and getting started on an accessible library workstation.

About the project:

This project was produced with support from the Government of Ontario's EnAbling Change Partnership Program. Under this program the Ontario government provides funding for strategic partnership projects with organizations that have the vision, leadership and commitment to make a significant impact on improving accessibility for people with disabilities across an industry or sector by promoting compliance with the AODA and accessibility standards.

The program is administered by the Accessibility Directorate of Ontario. OLA thanks the Accessibility Directorate for their contribution and support of this video project.

Additional resources for libraries:

The training videos are designed to complement staff training. There are many excellent resources to help library staff learn about accessible customer service, accessible communication strategies, and an accessible physical environment.

Assistive Technology in the Library