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Converting MP3 Audiobooks to DAISY Audiobooks (Using Obi)

Last updated: March 26, 2021

You will need to download and install Obi (Windows only).

  1. Open Obi and create a new project.
  2. Name your project using the book title.
  3. Double click on the box with the title name on the right hand side to "open" the contents.
  4. To import audio files, go to Phrases -> Import audio files
  5. Check order, check settings (usually have all of them checked off), choose Phrase detection on imported files, hit OK
  6. Check Phrase settings. Change Leading silence to 10. Can leave the others unless you think they need to be changed. Hit OK
  7. Let it process.
  8. Once processed, check table of contents naming, order, etc.
  9. Export to DAISY, by going to Tools -> Export as DAISY/EPUB
  10. Choose DAISY 2.02 (or whichever you want).
  11. Choose export location, and check Encode to MP3, Bitrate depends on originals (usually the same as the original, minimum 64), check Append section name to audio file name
  12. Congrats, you've made a new DAISY!
