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Identity (Psychology)

  • Author:
    Martin, Anna

    A simple vista, Jesse Ross es un tipo normal en una relación con su dulce novia, Adele. Pero lo que su novia no sabe es que él está teniendo una aventura—con un hombre—y explorando su sexualidad de formas que nunca  podría haber...

  • Author:
    Cole, Teju

    Feeling adrift after ending a relationship, Julius, a young Nigerian doctor living in New York, takes long walks through the city while listening to the stories of fellow immigrants until a shattering truth is revealed.

  • Author:
    Patterson, James, Ledwidge, Michael

    A successful lawyer and loving mother, Nina Bloom would do anything to protect the life she's built in New York--including lying to everyone, even her daughter, about her past. But when an innocent man is framed for murder, she knows...

  • Author:
    Toten, Teresa

    Depuis les six dernières années, Sophie Kandinsky tente de garder secrète sa vie familiale. Mais le diable se cache dans les détails. Premier détail: son excentrique mère bulgare plus vraie que nature. Deuxième détail, légèrement plus...

  • Author:
    Shields, Erin, Laronde, Sandra, Colella, Stephen

    In these two plays for young audiences, award-winning playwright Erin Shields presents the challenges of friendship and communication. In Mistatim, which is based on a concept from Sandra Laronde of Red Sky Performance, two eleven-year-...

  • Author:
    Toten, Teresa

    La vie est presque… disons… potentiellement parfaite pour Sophie Kandinsky. Il s’avère en effet que les Blondes ont été tout aussi éblouies par elle que celle-ci par ces dernières. Sophie entre en dixième année au collège Northern...

  • Author:
    Westlake, Donald E.

    Hospitalized after a liaison with another man's wife ends in violence, Paul Cole has just one goal: to rebuild his shattered life. But with his memory damaged, the police hounding him, and no way even to get home, Paul's facing steep...

  • Author:
    White, April

    17-year-old tagger Saira Elian can handle anything… a mother who mysteriously disappears, a stranger who stalks her around London, and even the noble English grandmother who kicked Saira and her mother out of the family. But when an old...

  • Author:
    Scrimger, Richard

    Bullied by his brother and living in the shadow of his cute, athletic best friend, Jonah is crippled by self-loathing and insecurity. Then a mysterious stranger hands him a disposable camera with the power to transport him into someone...

  • Author:
    Cardenas, Teresa, Unger, David

    The narrator of Letters to My Mother is a young Afro-Cuban girl who, upon the death of her mother, must live with her aunt and cousins. Dependent on them and their good will, she finds their taunts about how dark her skin is and their...

  • Author:
    Qitsualik-Tinsley, Rachel

    In the time before animals were as they are today, Wolf spent his days admiring all the other animals. Not content to simply be a wolf, happy and hunting with his pack, he watches the owls, wolverines, and caribou with envy, wishing...

  • Author:
    Albertalli, Becky

    In this sequel to the acclaimed Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda-now a major motion picture, Love, Simon-we follow Simon's BFF Leah as she grapples with changing friendships, first love, and senior year angst. When it comes to drumming...

  • Author:
    Traoré, Aminata Dramane
  • Author:
    Gosselin, Mel

    Une nuit, des hommes portant de lugubres masques en forme de bec de vautour, membres d'une mystérieuse confrérie, surgissent du ciel en bombardant tout sur leur passage. Ils sont venus pour Oliotsu, qu'ils traquent activement depuis des...

  • Author:
    St. John Mandel, Emily

    Lilia Albert can't remember many details from her childhood--she just knows she was always on the move. As an adult, she travels compulsively, leaving behind friends and lovers all over the world. But when one man refuses to let go and...

  • Author:
    ATWOOD, Margaret

    From fat girl to thin, from red hair to mud brown, from London to Toronto, from Polish count to radical husband - Joan Foster is utterly confused by her life of multiple identities. She decides to escape to an Italian hill town to take...

  • Author:
    Marineau, Michèle

    Ainsi commence l'histoire de Karim, une histoire à plusieurs voix et à multiples facettes, qui va de Beyrouth à Montréal en passant par Chlifa, ce village par-delà les montagnes que tentent d'atteindre Karim et Maha, là-bas, au Liban....

  • Author:
    Resch, Aurélie

    Dernière cigarette pour des soldats sur le front. Dernier recours d’une jeune mère dans un bidonville. Dernier appel d’un romancier claustrophobe. Dernières larmes versées en plein désert. Dernier repas du condamné. Dernier combat de...

  • Author:
    Roth, Veronica

    Un choix peut vous transformer — ou encore vous détruire. Mais chaque choix comporte son lot de conséquences, et alors qu’elle est entourée d’une vague de mécontentement au sein des factions, Tris Prior doit encore essayer de sauver...

  • Author:
    Roth, Veronica

    Un choix peut vous transformer — ou encore vous détruire. Mais chaque choix comporte son lot de conséquences, et alors qu’elle est entourée d’une vague de mécontentement au sein des factions, Tris Prior doit encore essayer de sauver...


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