It's the HAPPY-HAPPY-HAPPY holidays! The holidays are coming and Humphrey is unsqueakably excited. He loves to hear about all the different ways his friends in Room 26 celebrate and to watch them make costumes and learn songs for...
- Author:Birney, Betty G.Summary:
- Author:Birney, Betty G.Summary:
The students in Room 26 are learning about boats and building their own for a race on Potter's Pond. Humphrey the hamster loves dreaming about being a pirate and watching his friends build ships. But when he mistakenly ends up at sea on...
- Author:Birney, Betty G.Summary:
When Humphrey hears that school is ending, he can't believe his ears. What's a classroom hamster to do if there's no more school? It turns out that Mrs. Brisbane has planned something thrilling for Humphrey and Og the...
- Author:Birney, Betty G.Summary:
Signs of spring are very exciting to everyone at Longfellow School. Mrs. Brisbane's class has seen flowers poking out of snow and baby birds hatching, and Just-Joey even brought in tadpoles that are growing into frogs. It also...
- Author:Birney, Betty G.Summary:
Humphrey is back in his tenth adventure in the beloved middle-grade series! So many secrets are flying around Room 26 that Humphrey can barely keep track. Mrs. Brisbane knows a student is leaving, but Humphrey can't figure out...
- Author:Kuipers, AliceSummary:
One aspiring writer plus one magic book. It all adds up to a whole lot of trouble. Polly Diamond is back in the third book about the magical mix-ups of Polly and her notebook, Spell! In this delightfully funny and magical chapter book...
- Author:Birney, Betty G.Summary:
EEK-EEK-EEK! Mrs. Brisbane is missing! Humphrey has always investigated things, like why Speak-Up-Sayeh was so quiet and Tall-Paul and Small-Paul didn't get along, but this is a true mystery--Mrs. Brisbane is missing! She just didn...
- Author:Birney, Betty G.Summary:
Og the frog has always loved making up songs and poems about life in the swamp - about juicy crickets, squishy mud and all of his froggy friends. But it's quite a shock to find himself suddenly living in Room 26 with a bunch of human...
- Author:Birney, Betty G.Summary:
Humphrey's eleventh adventure celebrates stories, writing, and the power of the imagination! Imaginations are running wild in Mrs. Brisbane's class, but Humphrey is stumped. His friends are writing about where they would go if...
- Author:Lord, CynthiaSummary:
A hamster, with the help of a canine junkyard dealer and his mouse assistants, builts a hot rod and drives it in a race against some very large dogs.
- Author:Reich, KassSummary:
A board book featuring cute, lively hamsters that introduces babies and toddlers to modes of transportation.
- Author:Vernon, UrsulaSummary:
A funny, feminist twist on the Cinderella fairy tale for fans of fractured fairy tales Princess Harriet Hamsterbone is not the kind of princess who enjoys fancy dresses or extravagant parties. Cliff-diving, fractions, and whacking...
- Author:Vernon, UrsulaSummary:
It's Little Red Riding Hood as you've never seen her before in this funny, feminist spin on the fairy tale, from award-winning author Ursula Vernon Most monsters know better than to mess with Princess Harriet Hamsterbone. She's a...
- Author:Birney, Betty G.Summary:
Humphrey the classroom hamster has adventures going to the library, learning about the ocean, and sailing across a pond on a sailboat.