A decadent rock star. A deeply religious radio host. A disgraced scientist. And a teenage girl who may be the world's last hope. From the mind of Chuck Wendig comes an astonishing tapestry of humanity that Harlan Coben calls "...
FICTION / Science Fiction / Apocalyptic & Post-Apocalyptic
- Author:Wendig, ChuckSummary:
- Author:Carey, M. R.Summary:
Koli never planned to set foot outside his small village. He knew that beyond its walls lay a fearsome landscape filled with choker trees, vicious beasts, and Shunned men. But when he was exiled, he had no choice but to journey out into...
- Author:Brin, DavidSummary:
One chill winter's day, a survivor in the aftermath of a devastating war borrows the jacket of a long-dead postal worker, and with it he rekindles the spirit of America through the power of a dream.
- Author:Robinson, Kim StanleySummary:
Established in 2025, the purpose of the new organization was simple: To advocate for the world's future generations and to protect all living creatures, present and future. It soon became known as the Ministry for the Future, and...
- Author:Carey, M. R.Summary:
Now that Koli and his companions have found the source of the signal they've been following--the mysterious "Sword of Albion"--there is hope that their perilous journey will finally be worth something. They're...
- Author:Forstchen, William R.Summary:
Two years after the detonation of nuclear weapons above the United States brought America to its knees, the survivors of Black Mountain, North Carolina, learn that most of their young people are to be drafted into an "Army of National...
- Author:Wells, H. G.Summary:
In the summer of 1921, a disenchanted journalist escapes the rat race for a drive in the country. But Mr. Barnstaple's trip exceeds his expectations when he and other motorists are swept 3,000 years into the future. The inadvertent...
- Author:Davis-Goff, SarahSummary:
"Combines the spare poetry of The Road with the dizzying pace of 28 Days Later." -Jennie Melamed, author Gather the Daughters "A riveting novel." -Eowyn Ivey, bestselling author of The Snow Child Remember your just-...
- Author:Nagamatsu, SequoiaSummary:
For fans of Cloud Atlas and Station Eleven, a spellbinding and profoundly prescient debut that follows a cast of intricately linked characters over hundreds of years as humanity struggles to rebuild itself in the aftermath of a climate...
- Author:VanderMeer, JeffSummary:
In a ruined city, Rachel, a scavenger, finds a small creature named "Borne" tangled in the fur of Mord, a gigantic bear made by a biotech firm. She knows her lover, Wick, is keeping secrets about working there, so she searches...
- Author:Solomon, RiversSummary:
Aster lives in the low-deck slums of the HSS Matilda, a space vessel organized much like the antebellum South. When the autopsy of Matilda's sovereign reveals a surprising link between his death and her mother's suicide some quarter-...
- Author:DiFrancesco, AlexSummary:
In a near-future New York City ravaged by climate change and economic inequality, a superstorm hits, leaving behind only those who had nowhere else to go and no way to get out.
- Author:Forstchen, William R.Summary:
A powerful solar flare will strike the earth in less than 48 hours. To preserve the infrastructure our lives depend on, everything must go dark. Hospital emergency generators will be disconnected, the entire internet will be turned off...