Mindful learning takes place with an awareness of context and of the ever-changing nature of information. Learning without this awareness, as Langer shows convincingly, has severely limited uses and often sets on up for failure.
- Author:Langer, Ellen J.Summary:
- Author:Summary:
Drawing on the collective wisdom of four mindfulness experts, this volume offers effective relief from the most prevalent psychological disorder: clinical depression.
- Author:Cameron, JuliaSummary:
The newest audiobook from beloved author Julia Cameron, The Listening Path is a transformational journey to deeper, more profound listening and creativity. Over six weeks, listeners will be given the tools to become better listeners -...
- Author:Hari, JohannSummary:
In the United States, teenagers can focus on one task for only sixty-five seconds at a time, and office workers average only three minutes. Like so many of us, Johann Hari was finding that constantly switching from device to device and...
- Author:Langer, Ellen J.Summary:
With anecdotes and metaphors, Langer explains how the mindless develop habits of thought born of repetition in childhood and throughout schooling. To be mindful, allows free rein to intuition and creativity, and opens us to new...
- Author:Bathla, SomSummary:
Discover How to Hack the Limitless Potential of Your Mind, Avoid Thinking Errors, Boost Brain Power and Upgrade the Quality of your Life
• Do you often find your thinking unresourceful and fail to generate effective solutions? ... - Author:Carr, AngelaSummary:
Here in There, Angela Carr’s third book of poetry, is a lyrical petition to the human faculty of attention. In constant motion, the poems locate unusual instances of connection. They ask, do we give or pay attention? And what do we...
- Author:Csikszentmihalyi, MihalySummary:
Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's famous investigations of "optimal experience" have revealed that what makes an experience genuinely satisfying is a state of consciousness called flow. During flow, people typically...
- Author:Kobrin, Neil S.Summary:
Emotional Well-Being provides a rich illustration of how we developed emotionally and what we can do as adults to lead a happier, more meaningful life. It is written in a practical, highly accessible manner and has universal appeal...
- Author:Mikulas, William L.Summary:
Apprivoisez votre esprit pour jouir d’une meilleure santé mentale et physique. Dans le monde frénétique dans lequel nous vivons, l’esprit peut souvent se transformer en singe ivre et succomber au stress, à l’éparpillement et au désordre...