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Attempted murder

  • Author:
    Worrall, Lisa

    Of all the bars in all the towns in all the world, the stranger walks into Brody Tyler’s. With no memory and a name he chose from a newspaper, Nash is a gamble—one Brody is willing to take. It isn’t long before Brody and Nash fall in...

  • Author:
    Worrall, Lisa

    Con la cantidad de bares que hay en todas las ciudades de todo el mundo, el extraño entró en el de Brody Tyler. Sin memoria y con un nombre elegido de un periódico, Nash es como una apuesta, una apuesta que Brody está dispuesto a  ...

  • Author:
    Brown, Sandra

    Dodge Hanley teams up with a local sheriff to investigate a man accused of harassing a young girl--who happens to be the daughter of Dodge's former love.

  • Author:
    Suzukawa, Jan

    San Francisco P.I. Nick Cutter spent one night with the man of his dreams—and then the man disappeared. Three years later, on a routine missing-person assignment in Weller Falls, Montana, Nick is shocked to find his dream man living...

  • Author:
    GRISHAM, John

    In his final hours in the Oval Office the outgoing President grants a controversial last minute pardon to Joel Backman, a notorious Washington power broker who has spent the last six years hidden away in a federal prison.

  • Author:
    Ramsay, Frederick

    Ruth Harris, Sherriff Ike Schwartz’s fiancée, is involved in a near fatal automobile accident. But Ike is convinced the crash was rigged. Even though he is embroiled in a close election, has no jurisdiction over the investigation, and...

  • Author:
    LUDLUM, Robert

    Hades is the name of a seemingly unbeatable doomsday virus. For three frantic days, scientists in a US government laboratory have been trying to unlock the virus's secrets as people across the continent die in unspeakable agony....

  • Author:
    Jance, Judith A.

    Ali Reynolds's old friend, a Santa Cruz deputy sheriff, is gunned down, an apparent victim of the drug wars. But looks can be deceiving, and when more bodies begin to pile up, Ali suspects that everyone looking into the case is a...

  • Author:
    Worrall, Lisa

    Con tutti i bar che ci sono in tutte le città del mondo, lo sconosciuto sceglie di entrare in quello di Brody Tyler. Senza ricordi e con un nome scelto da un giornale, Nash è un mistero – ma Brody è disposto a correre il rischio. Non...

  • Author:
    Porter, Don

    It’s Fairbanks, Alaska, during the construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. Alex Price, a Bethel bush pilot, is looking forward to a pleasant evening visiting his old friend and prospecting partner Stan and Stan’s lovely Athabaskan...

  • Author:
    Thomas, Jodi

    When Emily starts a writing group in her little town of Harmony, Texas, its members are given a chance to learn to write while reexamining their lives. But when a person from her past appears at the library, Emily is faced with more...

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