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River queen : the amazing story of tugboat titan Lucille Johnstone

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  • Author: Levy, Paul

    Few men can honestly be said to have attained the status of living legends in the BC business world, and even fewer women, but Lucille Johnstone, fondly known as "Tugboat Annie," was a notable exception. Lucille was twenty-three years old in 1948 when she began working as "girl Friday" for River Towing, a shaky towboat operation on the Fraser River.

    Forty years later Rivtow was a diversified corporation with $250 million in revenues, 1,500 employees and Lucille Johnstone, its president and CEO, was widely credited for its success. It was a remarkable feat for a woman in those times - and even more extraordinary in the male-dominated world of towboating." "River Queen tells the story of Lucille Johnstone's rise to the top, of her heartbreaking personal life, of her struggle to upgrade her education while raising a family single-handed, of the boardroom shuffle that left her outside the company she did so much to build, and of her later work as a driving force behind many of British Columbia's most successful enterprises - including Expo '86, the Vancouver Airport Authority, the Fraser River Discovery Centre, St. John Ambulance and many others.

    This biography offers a behind-the-scenes view of BC business and the life of a brilliant leader known as much for her kindness and social conscience as for her prodigious talents in the boardroom

    Original Publisher: Madeira Park, B.C., Harbour Publishing
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 1550173693