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Kh̥kominawak otćimowiniwẃa = : Our grandmothers' lives as told in their own words

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  • Author: Bear, Glecia
    Contributor: Wolvengrey, Arok; Wolfart, H. Christoph; Ahenakew, Freda
    Edition: 25th anniversary edition

    The 25th anniversary of a historically significant collection, presented in Cree and English. kh̥kominawak otćimowiniwẃa / Our Grandmothers' Lives As Told in Their Own Words is a collection of reminiscences and personal stories from the daily lives of seven Cree women over the past century, presented here in Cree and English. Recorded in their own language, these women share their memories of their lives and the history of their peoples, describing activities such as household chores, snaring rabbits and picking berries, going to school, marriage, bearing and raising children, and providing insights into the traditional teachings of a society in which the practical and spiritual are never far apart.

    Original Publisher: [Calgary, Alberta], University of Regina Press
    Language(s): Cree, English
    ISBN: 9780889779518