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Born Accessible novel The Centaur's Wife released today

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Thanks to a partnership between author Amanda Leduc, Penguin Random House, CELA, and NNELS, The Centaur's Wife has been released today in all conventional and print formats. Born accessible publishing removes the typical delay of publishing in conventional formats, then later being converted into accessible formats.

"The simultaneous release of The Centaur's Wife in all accessible and conventional formats is excellent news for readers with print disabilities in Canada as everyone will be able to read it, regardless of ability, as soon as it is published." -Daniella Levy-Pinto, Project Coordinator at the National Network for Equitable Library Service.

NNELS users can access the EPUB3 and Electronic Braille files in the repository!

The embossed braille copy is available through interlibrary loan. Thanks to Lakeland Regional Library in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, for hosting this copy!

For more information about the partnership, please see our previous news release here.