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Verge : stories

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    I tell you, do not go near that place. Do not go near it. Graywolves guard the ground there. Girls are growing from guts, enough for a body and language all the way out of this world. An eight-year-old trauma victim is enlisted as an underground courier, rushing frozen organs through the alleys of Eastern Europe. A young janitor transforms discarded objects into a fantastical, sprawling miniature city until a shocking discovery forces him to rethink his creation. A brazen child tells off a pack of schoolyard tormentors with the spirited invention of an eleventh commandment. A wounded man drives eastward, through tears and grief, toward an unexpected transcendence. Lidia Yuknavitch's bestselling novels The Book of JoanThe Chronology of WaterVerge is a viscerally powerful and moving survey of our modern heartache life.

    Original Publisher: [S.l.], Penguin Random House
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9780593166758, 0593166752