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Superfoods for dummies

Available Formats:


  • Edition: 1 ed.

    Want to eat healthier, lose weight and fight off disease? You can do it with superfoods! This friendly guide explains everything you need to know — why you need superfoods, the science behind them and how to prepare and enjoy them. From bananas and carrots to oatmeal and salmon, you'll gain a healthy attitude toward eating right! * Get the skinny on superfoods — know the basics of a balanced, nutritional diet and why superfoods are so powerful * Take a closer look — examine the unique properties of superfoods and the best ways to store and prepare them * Explore exotic flavors — discover Asia's goji berries, Mexico's chia, Indonesia's mangosteen and other unusual superfoods * Launch your superfoods lifestyle — plan healthy meals you and your family will enjoy Open the book and find: * A nuts-and-bolts breakdown of each superfood * Ways to incorporate superfoods into your everyday diet * Tips for saving money on superfoods * The healthiest cooking methods * More than 50 easy-to-prepare, tasty recipes — from breakfast to dessert * The top dietary supplements * How to grow your own superfoods garden

    Original Publisher: Hoboken, Wiley
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9780470523438