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The mirror

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  • Publisher:
    Dreamspinner Press, 2013
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Author: Ellis, Bell
    Edition: 1 ed.

    When Vic Ledore buys an antique mirror only to find it’s haunted, his initial fear turns to intrigue when he realizes he and the ghost wear the same face. The mirror is possessed by Philippe Montmarche, a vagrant who lived in early-1800s New Orleans and committed suicide after his lover went to war and died. Philippe is helplessly trapped until he can find his true love again. He also believes Vic is his reincarnation, but Vic isn’t so sure. Soon after, Vic meets Jules Cassell, a gorgeous, witty, interesting man who relieves Vic’s ennui and quickly finds his way to Vic’s heart. But Philippe has captivated Vic as well, and when Philippe's search to find his lover mysteriously involves Jules, Vic can’t help but be drawn into the tragic love story as he hopes to discover his own.

    Subject(s): Antiques | Gay men | Ghost stories
    Original Publisher: USA, Dreamspinner Press
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9781623808785