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The miraculous journey of Edward Tulane

Available Formats:

  • Running Time: 01:56 hrs
    Listening Library, Distributed by OneClick Digital, 2012
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Author: DiCamillo, Kate
    Contributor: Ivey, Judith

    Once, in a house on Egypt Street, there lived a china rabbit named Edward Tulane. The rabbit was very pleased with himself, and for good reason: he was owned by a girl named Abilene, who treated him with the utmost care and adored him completely. And then, one day, he was lost. Kate DiCamillo and Bagram Ibatoulline take us on an extraordinary journey, from the depths of the ocean to the net of a fisherman, from the top of a garbage heap to the fireside of a hobbies' camp, from the bedside of an ailing child to the streets of Memphis. And along the way, we are shown a true miracle -- that even a heart of the most breakable kind can learn to love, to lose, and to love again.

    Original Publisher: [New York], [Prince Frederick, Md.], Listening Library, [Distributed by] OneClick Digital
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9780739345160