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The kids' guide to mommy's breast cancer

Available Formats:


  • Author: Stowe, Karyn
    Contributor: Thompson, Jason; Gordaneer, Chris

    What do you tell a child when Mommy is diagnosed with breast cancer? The Kids' Guide to Mommy's Breast Cancer helps parents find appropriate explanations in a gentle yet honest and hopeful way. By dividing the information into chapters according to the different treatments Mommy might face, the stories are relevant without being overwhelming. Including a section with ideas and tips for parents, The Kids' Guide to Mommy's Breast Cancer is a supportive resource for the entire family. A portion of the proceeds from this book will be donated to Rethink Breast Cancer.

    Original Publisher: [Place of publication not identified], AuthorHouse
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9781463447168