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Jungian analysis

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  • Author: Stein, Murray

    Jungian analysis is a dynamic and expanding field with a growing following as well as an increasing influence among American psychotherapists. Jungian Analysis, edited by Murray Stein, has become recognized as the definitive handbook of Jungian analytic practice in America. It has been widely used to train Jungian analysis and to introduce other therapists to Jungian techniques. All the contributions are written in a direct and comprehensible style suitable for the general reader who wants to be informed of contemporary Jungian thinking. This second edition of Jungian Analysis has been completely revised and updated to reflect recent changes in Jungian practice. The book now comprises 18 definitive and up-to-date essays, by 19 eminent Jungian authorities, on specific aspects of Jungian analysis. Each writer is a Jungian analyst currently practicing in the U.S.; each contribution presents the history and state of the art on the chosen topic, with recommended further reading.


    Reflections on the history and practice of Jungian analysis / Joseph L. Henderson --
    The aims and goals of Jungian analysis / Murray Stein --
    Spiritual aspects of clinical work / Ann Belford Ulanov --
    Establishing and maintaining the analytical structure / Alexander McCurdy III --
    Dreams and Jungian analysis / James Wyly --
    Active imagination : synthesis in analysis / August J. Cwik --
    Transference / Jean Kirsch --
    Countertransference / Harriet Gordon Machtiger --
    Gender identity and gender roles : their place in analytic practice / Katherine Bradway --
    The art of practicing Jung's psychological types in analysis / Thomas Patrick Lavin --
    Termination in analysis / Boris Matthews --
    Psychopathology and analysis / Donald F. Sandner and John Beebe --
    Psychopharmacology in Jungian practice / Jeffrey Satinover --
    Sandplay and Jungian analysis / Louis H. Stewart --
    Dance/movement and body experience in analysis / Joan Chodorow --
    Ethics / Beverley D. Zabriskie --
    Training / David I. Tresan --
    Analysis in training / Thomas B. Kirsch.

    Original Publisher: Vancouver, B.C., Crane Library
    Language(s): English