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Double threat : Canadian Jews, the military, and World War II

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  • Author: Bessner, Ellin
    Edition: First edition

    "The role played by the Canadian Jewish Community during World War II, particularly the approximately 17,000 individuals who enlisted, representing 10% of the Jewish population in Canada at the time. Interviews with surviving veterans, and family of deceased veterans, about their experiences provide a detailed portrait of the experience. Profiles of military heroes are included. The experience of the Canadian Jews, both men and women, who served in virtually every campaign and every branch of the military is described. The role of the homeland community, community organizations including Jewish newspapers, and the clergy is also covered."--

    • Fighting Amalek
    • Seigning up
    • Jewish communists in uniform
    • The battle of Hong King
    • Dieppe
    • Jewsin the air force
    • The Navy and Merchant Navy
    • Jewish women in uniform
    • Life in the barracks
    • Off-duty activities
    • Jewish heroes
    • Keeping the faith
    • Liberation
    • Coming home
    • Kaddish for D-Day.
    Original Publisher: Toronto, Ontario, New Jewish Press
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9781988326047, 1988326044