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Christ's object lessons

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  • Contributor: BC Libraries Cooperative; National Network for Equitable Library Service; Martin, Ralph
    Edition: Unabridged

    Christ the Great Teacher gave much of His instruction as He walked with His disciples through the hills and valleys of Palestine or rested by the lake of river. In His parable teaching He linked divine truth with common things and incidents, as may be found in the experiences of the shepherd, the builder, the tiller of the soil, the traveler, and the homemaker. Familiar objects were associated with thoughts true and beautiful--thoughts of God's loving interest in us, of the grateful homage that is His due, and of the care we should have one for another. Thus lessons of divine wisdom and practical truth were made forcible and impressive. In this volume the parables are grouped according to their subjects, and their lessons are developed and illustrated. The book is full of gems of truth, and to many readers it will give a richer meaning to the common surroundings of everyday life.

    Subject(s): Jesus Christ
    Original Publisher: Advent Pioneer Books, Victoria Park, Association for the Blind of Western Australia
    Language(s): English