One size does not fit all! Professional success, more often than not, means becoming a manager. Yet nobody prepared you for having to deal with messy tidbits like emotions, conflicts and personalities—all while achieving ever-greater...
- Author:Zack, DevoraSummary:
- Author:Bérard, DianeSummary:
Les meilleurs leaders ne perdent pas de temps à remuer ciel et terre. Ils savent cultiver leur tranquillité intérieure. Ils l'ont appris : plus ils sont tranquilles, plus ils sont performants. Que se passe-t-il lorsque votre...
- Author:Hoover, JohnSummary:
Was it a typo when the CEO mandated that the organization “institutionalize incompetents?" If not, how did the company wind up institutionalizing incompetence instead? How to Work for an Idiot is still the confessions of a recovering...