A 15th-century portrait painter, grieving the sudden death of his lover, takes refuge at the monastery at Mont Saint-Michel, an island off the coast of France. He haunts the halls until a monk assigns him the task of copying a...
- Author:Fortier, DominiqueSummary:
- Author:Masson, CyntheaSummary:
Move back through time into the alluring worlds of the Alchemists' Council. The anticipated second book in Cynthea Masson's series takes readers to Flaw Dimension, centuries before the events of book one. Rebel scribe Genevre, exploring...
- Author:Dixon, GlennSummary:
When Glenn Dixon is spurned by love, he packs his bags for Verona, Italy. Once there, he volunteers to answer the thousands of letters that arrive addressed to Juliet. When Glenn returns home to Canada and resumes his duties as an...
- Author:Fortier, DominiqueSummary:
Aux belles heures de sa bibliothèque, le Mont-Saint-Michel était connu comme la Cité des livres. C'est là, entre les murs gris de l'abbaye, que trouva refuge, au quinzième siècle, un peintre hanté par le souvenir de celle qu'il aimait....