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You fancy yourself

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  • Publisher:
    Playwrights Canada Press, 2009
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Author: Ardal, Maja

    When Elsa and her family move from Iceland to Scotland, she is filled with uncontrollable joy over the new adventure she is about to begin. With her infectious energy and love for the dramatic, Elsa stands out both in her community and within her classroom, but this exuberance also targets her as an outcast. Only through the faith of a new friend and the strength of her imagination does Elsa find the courage to look inside herself and find pride in who she is and where she came from. Through her vivid characters Maja Ardal depicts Scotland in the 50s as a place of hope and harsh discrimination for immigrants.

    Subject(s): Canadian drama
    Original Publisher: Toronto, Playwrights Canada Press
    Language(s): English