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Biomedical ethics : a Canadian focus

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  • Contributor: Fisher, Johnna

    Biomedical Ethics: A Canadian Focus takes an in-depth look at the critical questions and debates surrounding the issues of patient autonomy, confidentiality, morality, and genetic engineering, among others. The majority of biomedical ethics texts provide American information, standards, and values, which do not always accord with Canadian obligations and expectations. This text takes a Canadian look at biomedical ethics and provides, whenever possible, Canadian standards, Canadian cases, and articles from Canadian authors or authors working at Canadian facilities. While the articles tend to focus primarily on physician-patient relations, the information within them is applicable to all health-care practitioners dealing directly with patients.

    • Morality and ethics
    • Medical decision-making: patient self-determination and deciding for others
    • Management of medical information
    • End-of-life decision-making
    • Moral status of the human fetus and infant
    • Genetic technology use
    • Access to health care
    • Allocation of scarce medical resources
    • Research with humans.
    Subject(s): Bioethics | Canada | Medical ethics
    Original Publisher: Don Mills, Ont. : Oxford University Press, 2009
    Language(s): English