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Catherine Snow

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  • Publisher:
    Flanker Press, 2009
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Date:

    An exotic drama in which one man’s mysterious disappearance brings a dark end to three other people. What would it take to destroy an Irish girl who had survived famine and war in Ireland, and a hazardous journey across the Atlantic Ocean, to become a servant-wife on an island where God’s truth and the Devil’s tale are entwined as tight as the strands of a rope? This novel is based on the true story of the last woman hanged in Britain’s oldest colony, the only woman in the colony to have a gruesome sentence – the ultimate desecration – carried out on her body. A novel in which truth lies suspended between fact and fiction. A haunting mystery.

    Original Publisher: St. John's, Flanker Press
    Language(s): English