Adam's Tree is a fictional account of life on the Cowesses First Nation in Saskatchewan during the 1940's and 50's. This period in history finds forces like regulatory policy, World War II, systemic racism, and the long reach of the...
Indigenous materials
- Author:Mehlmann, GloriaSummary:
- Author:Proverbs, WendySummary:
Based on the true story of the author's biological mother and aunt, this middle-grade novel traces the long and frightening journey of two Kaska Dena sisters as they are taken from their home to attend residential school. When Maddy...
- Author:Kempt, Malcolm, Flaherty,WilliamSummary:
This book provides easy-to-follow directions for completing a successful aglu hunt. An aglu is a seal breathing hole found on the sea ice, and aglu hunting is a time-honoured traditional hunting method used by Inuit for generations....
- Author:Baxter, EliSummary:
Members of Eli Baxter's generation are the last of the hunting and gathering societies living on Turtle Island. They are also among the last fluent speakers of the Anishinaabay language known as Anishinaabaymowin. Aki-wayn-zih is a...
- Author:Revelle, RickSummary:
Painting a vivid picture of the original peoples of North America, long before European colonization changed the face of the continent, the Algonquin Quest novels show the traditions, the legends and the intrigue that shaped the First...
- Author:Revelle, RickSummary:
Painting a vivid picture of the original peoples of North America, long before European colonization changed the face of the continent, the Algonquin Quest novels show the traditions, the legends and the intrigue that shaped the First...
- Author:Revelle, RickSummary:
Years after a devastating battle, Mahingan and his tribe struggle to recover a lost loved one. Six years earlier in the fourteenth century, Mahingan and his tribe fought the Battle of the Falls against the Haudenosaunee. There were...
- Author:Revelle, RickSummary:
Anokì and his sister Pangì Mahingan have grown up, and now face a decision that will change their lives forever. Twelve years after Mahingan was wounded battling for his life against the Haudenosaunee warrior known as Ö:nenhste Erhar (...
- Author:Talaga, TanyaSummary:
In this vital and incisive work, bestselling and award-winning author Tanya Talaga explores the alarming rise of youth suicide in Indigenous communities in Canada and beyond. From Northern Ontario to Nunavut, Norway, Brazil, Australia,...
- Author:LaDuke, WinonaSummary:
Haymarket Books proudly brings back into print Winona LaDuke's seminal work of Native resistance to oppression. This thoughtful, in-depth account of Native struggles against environmental and cultural degradation features chapters...
- Author:Summary:
All the Feels / Tous les sens presents research into emotion and cognition in Canadian, Indigenous, and Québécois writings in English or French. Affect is both internal and external, private and public; with its fluid boundaries, it...
- Author:Isaac, Brian ThomasSummary:
It's 1956, and six-year-old Eddie Toma lives with his mother, Grace, and his little brother, Lewis, near the Salmon River on the far edge of the Okanagan Indian Reserve in the British Columbia Southern Interior. Grace, her friend Isabel...
- Author:Burch, Ernest S.Summary:
Alliance and Conflict combines a richly descriptive study of inter-societal relations in early nineteenth-century Northwest Alaska with a bold theoretical treatise on the structure of the world system as it might have been in ancient...
- Author:Grant, Robin, Pellissier-Lush, JulieSummary:
Delve into the uplifting stories of the people of Mi’kma’ki in this full-colour illustrated book. Meet a devoted water protector, learn about a teen determined to shed light on the tragic history of Residential Schools, and discover...
- Author:Duthu, N. BruceSummary:
Duthu highlights the major events, the differing principles, and the evolving perspectives that have governed relations among the Native American Indian tribes, the federal government, and the states.
- Author:King, SharonSummary:
This delightful story with its paper illustrations is perfect for the imagination. Busy beavers get things done! We can all learn a lot from the hard work of the beaver. And now more than ever, at this time when more people are engaging...
- Author:Vermette, KatherenaSummary:
Amik tells Moshoom about his wonderful school. Then his grandfather tells him about the residential school he went to, so different from Amik's school, so Amik has an idea... The Seven Teaching of the Anishinaabe -- love, wisdom,...
- Author:Dumas, WilliamSummary:
With her sapotawan ceremony fast approaching, Amō must choose her mīthikowisiwin, a gift she will develop through apprenticeship. Her sister, Pīsim, chose to become a midwife; others gather medicines or harvest fish. But none of...
- Author:Stote, KarenSummary:
During the 1900s eugenics gained favour as a means of controlling the birth rate among "undesirable" populations in Canada. Though many people were targeted, the coercive sterilization of one group has gone largely unnoticed. An Act of...
- Author:Mays, Kyle T.Summary:
The first intersectional history of the Black and Native American struggle for freedom in our country that also reframes our understanding of who was Indigenous in early America Beginning with pre-Revolutionary America and moving into...