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Canadian fiction

  • Author:
    Butler, Paul

    In 1892, critically acclaimed novelist Paul Butler plunges the reader into 19th century St. John’s, its light and its shade . . .

    An obscure servant, Kathleen, yearns for her home in Ireland. A mysterious scientist, Dr....

  • Author:
    Jarman, Mark

    With characters ranging from the desperate to the obsessive to the wildly comic, Mark Anthony Jarman's 19 Knives employs dazzling linguistic verve and staggering metaphoric powers in every sentence. But Jarman doesn't just write about...

  • Author:
    Daigle, France

    France Daigle casts a droll eye on what it means to be born a writer in the middle of the twentieth century. 1953 crackles with wit, intelligence, and insight, and the year in question emerges as a turning point not only for the heroine...

  • Author:
    Robertson, Ray

    It's 1979 and Tom Buzby is thirteen years old and living in the small town of Chatham with his father and older sister. So far, so normal. But Tom's dad is the local tattoo artist, his older sister might be in love with the new girl in...

  • Author:
    Martineau, Chantale

    A l'aube de la cinquantaine, Christine David rêve de vacances au soleil et de moments propices à l'écriture d'un roman. Bien campée dans sa routine, elle n'est pourtant pas à l'abri d'une surprise......

  • Author:
    Anderson, Kevin J., McFetridge, John

    18 exhilarating journeys into Rush-inspired worlds

    The music of Rush, one of the most successful bands in history, is filled with fantastic stories, evocative images, and thought-provoking futures and...

  • Author:
    Mavrikakis, Catherine

    L'astrologie nous attire, parce qu'elle parle de nous. Elle est réponse dans les jours sombres et source d'espoir pour le futur. Un peu de magie pour nous rappeler que nos vies sont meublées d'impondérable, un peu...

  • Author:
    Nelson, Colleen

    A riveting bi-racial story about family love, loss, and standing up for what you believe in.

    Jess and Sara Jean couldn't be more different. He's a loner with a criminal record; a Metis raised on the Reserve; the son of a...

  • Author:
    Suresh, Bindu

    A CBC Best Book of 2019 "One of the most striking Canadian literary debuts of the year."-Montreal Gazette Grand in scope, spare in execution, and lush in language, 26 Knots is a fable-like tale of love, obsession, and...

  • Author:
    Schneider, Jason

    Nirvana’s Kurt Cobain could not have envisioned what his death would mean to Generation X – or that he would influence one young man from small-town Quebec to take his own life . . .

    3,000 Miles is the story of Andre, a...

  • Author:
    d'Abo, Christine

    Certaines personnes cherchent leur âme soeur toute leur vie, mais ce n'est pas le cas d'Alyssa Barrow. Elle a fait la connaissance de Rob à dix-neuf ans et, comme dans un conte de fées, elle croyait que leur couple serait...

  • Author:
    d'Abo, Christine

    La dernière chose que Glenna O'Donald s'attendait à trouver dans un cimetière, c'est bien un paquet de cartes... érotiques. Elle découvre, non sans une pointe de curiosité, que chacune des trente cartes contient des...

  • Author:
    Dublin, Anne

    In 1931 during the Great Depression sisters Sophie and Rose join the Toronto Dressmakers' Strike and the fight of their lives.

  • Author:
    Kellough, Janet

    In this third novel in the series, Thaddeus Lewis and his son journey into the heart of disaster. When the bloated corpse of a man dressed in women’s clothing washes up on the shore of Lake Ontario near Thaddeus Lewis’s home, nothing is...

  • Author:
    Peters, Steven

    In 59 Glass Bridges, an unnamed narrator travels through a maze that is at once mutable and immutable: walls fall to vine-filled forests, hallways to rivers, bridges to lamp-lit boats. What remains is the desire to escape. He is led...

  • Author:
    Robertson, David

    7 Generations: A Plains Cree Saga originally published as a four-part graphic novel series; Stone, Scars, Ends/Begins, and The Pact. This graphic novel follows one Plains Cree family from the early 19th century to present day. For Edwin...

  • Author:
    Robertson, David Alexander, Henderson, Scott

    LA SÉRIE 7 GÉNÉRATIONS est une bande dessinée épique en deux volumes et quatre histoires : Pierre, Cicatrices, Rupture et Pacte. Elle raconte la saga d’une famille autochtone sur trois siècles et sept générations.


  • Author:
    Robertson, David Alexander, Henderson, Scott

    LA SÉRIE 7 GÉNÉRATIONS est une bande dessinée épique en deux volumes et quatre histoires : Pierre, Cicatrices, Rupture et Pacte. Elle raconte la saga d’une famille autochtone sur trois siècles et sept générations.

  • Author:
    Carpenter, J.D.

    Long-listed for the 2009 ReLit Award Because business is slow for retired homicide detective Campbell Young’s new enterprise, A-1 Investigative Consultants, he decides to take a break a horse-playing vacation to Florida. No sooner are...

  • Author:
    Emond, Bernard

    Gérard is an alcoholic and former crime reporter, gone back to live in the impoverished Montreal neighbourhood where he grew up. One night, his shoelace comes undone, delaying his return home and saving his life when his apartment...


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