Compared to the well-published achievements of the Navy, Army, and Air Force, an ocean of silence surrounds the long gone Canadian Merchant Navy. Canada operated the wartime world's fourth largest Merchant Navy, almost all of it built...
- Auteur:Halford, Robert G.Sommaire:
- Auteur:Brown, RonSommaire:
Brown celebrates the survival of our railway heritage in stations that have been saved or remain in use. Despite the "green" benefits of rail travel, Canada has lost much of its railway heritage. Across the country stations have been...
- Auteur:Searle, Tex.Sommaire:
Recording the legacy of flying the DC-3 in the Rocky Mountains with Frontier Airlines, this historical narrative the pilots who flew from 1946 to 1986 and who had many record-breaking achievements. Anecdotes adventures of flying through...
- Auteur:Munsch, RobertSommaire:
This story starts out with a familiar premise: Michael and Sheila visit a fire station. But then the Munsch flair for imaginative insight and humor take over. While the two kids are exploring a fire truck, an alarm goes off—and away go...
- Auteur:Turner, EdgarSommaire:
The Birth of the Dreamliner captures the awe and achievement of this ambitious chapter of aviation history, and acts as a "biography" of the aircraft, following the evolution of the 787 concept through its path to completion....
- Auteur:Khan, NaazSommaire:
A young boy on a crowded bus discovers that, after some wiggles and giggles, there's room for everyone in this lighthearted rhyming picture book set in Zanzibar. The dala dala rumbles and roars as Musa and Dada drive off to the shore—...
- Auteur:Dussault, SandraSommaire:
En passant par cette porte, tu trouveras ce que tu cherches, mais aussi ce que tu n'as jamais cherché… Féroce et irascible comme le carcajou, Lucy Wolvérène, 17 ans, sent la colère bouillir en elle depuis qu'elle a été arrachée à la...
- Auteur:Bouchard, CamilleSommaire:
Les jumeaux Éloi et Églantine voyagent à travers le monde sur un bateau nommé le Bouchon en compagnie de leurs parents et de leur chat. Ce qui est génial, c'est qu'ils rédigent leurs aventures pour que tu puisses les lire, mon ami/e-qui...
- Auteur:Wooldridge, Connie NordhielmSommaire:
Follows the development of roads in the United States--and the new forms of transportation that used them--from the National Highway of 1805 through railroads and paved roads for bicycles and automobiles to the interstate system.
- Auteur:Munsch, RobertSommaire:
"Last stop! Everybody out!" Jonathan is trying not to make a mess, but someone has put a subway station in his apartment. So Jonathan goes to City Hall to fix the computer.
- Auteur:Reich, KassSommaire:
A board book featuring cute, lively hamsters that introduces babies and toddlers to modes of transportation.
- Auteur:Robins, Anthony W.Sommaire:
Opened in February 1913, Grand Central Terminal-one of the country's great architectural monuments-helped create Midtown Manhattan. Over the next century, it evolved into an unofficial town square for New York. Today, it sits...
- Auteur:Lahey, LeonardSommaire:
Stories of Trains, Boats, and Airplanes in Newfoundland
From the “Newfie Bullet” to the SS Kyle to Amelia Earhart, Getting Around the Rock is a fascinating history of the transportation sector, largely in pre-...
- Auteur:Keefe, HowieSommaire:
Howie Keefe takes you behind the scenes to get a personal glimpse into the amazing and precarious world of air racing. The author's thrill-a-minute account is an inspiring chronicle of his many fascinating adventures from a...
- Auteur:Ford, Gilbert, Kirkfield, VivianSommaire:
In a time when people believed flying was impossible, Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier proved that the sky wasn't the limit. When most thought horseback was the only way to race, Bertha and Karl Benz fired up their engines. From the...
- Auteur:Brown, RonSommaire:
Ron Brown is Canada's leading literary authority on the history of Canada's railroads, particularly those now lost branches from the golden age of steam that once ran like veins and arteries throughout the country. This special four-...
- Auteur:Crane, DaleSommaire:
Aviation is an industry full of terms, acronyms and technical language. This book helps users understand all the words, abbreviations, phrases, and disciplines of aviation. The most complete collection of aviation terminology available...
- Auteur:Shaw, Steven E.Sommaire:
What really goes on behind those service department garage doors? Do women really get treated differently at the dealership? Steve Shaw, author, former service manager and AUTO INDUSTRY INSIDER reveals these TOP SECRETS and more… What...
- Auteur:Harvey, R. G.Sommaire:
The sparsely populated southern Interior of British Columbia was rich in resources and ripe for settlement in the late 1800s. The agricultural lands of the Okanagan and Nicola valleys, and the precious metals and coal of the Kootenays,...
- Auteur:Harvey, R. G.Sommaire:
The history of British Columbia's transportation systems north of the Canadian National Railway's mainline may not be well known—but it certainly is colourful. Continuing the story he began in the first volume of Carving the Western...