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  • Auteur:
    Santibañez, Roberto

    Mexican cuisine is an American favorite from coast to coast, but many people are too intimidated to try cooking real Mexican meals in their own kitchens. In Truly Mexican, Roberto Santibañez shows you that it's the flavors that...

  • Auteur:
    Johns, Pamela Sheldon

    50 Great Pasta Sauces has all the right ingredients to become a best-selling cookbook: everyday Italian recipes that can be prepared fast and affordably, illustrated with beautiful four-color photography.

    Living on a farm in...

  • Auteur:
    Cumbay, Traci, Schneider, Tom

    Think only master chefs can create the savory, succulent barbecue masterpieces you love to eat? Nonsense! BBQ Sauces, Rubs & Marinades For Dummies shows you everything you need to dig in, get your apron dirty, and start stirring up...

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