Witch Baby comes to live with Weetzie Bat and My-Secret-Agent-Lover-Man and has wild adventures in Los Angeles as she tries to understand where she belongs.
Punk culture
- Auteur:Block, Francesca Lia.Sommaire:
- Auteur:Lane, AmySommaire:
Suite de Talker Talker, tome 2 Tate Walker a un passé bien trop douloureux pour faire une croix dessus, même si Brian Cooper, le garçon de ses rêves, est là pour lui tenir la main. Brian fait de son mieux, mais Talker a toujours...
- Auteur:Lane, AmySommaire:
Tate Walker's past is too painful to just disappear, even if his dream boy, Brian Cooper, is there to hold his hand. Brian does his best, but Talker—always good at avoiding his own pain—is having a hard time facing the truth about what...
- Auteur:Lane, AmySommaire:
Tate "Talker" Walker has spent most of his life hiding his scars under a bright punk facade, and until he sat next to Brian Cooper on a bus, it worked. But Brian has spent his whole life being the invisible man, and he's used to looking...
- Auteur:Lane, AmySommaire:
Tate "Talker" Walker, il Chiacchierone, ha passato la sua vita cercando di nascondere le sue cicatrici dietro ad una luminosa facciata punk. E finché non si è seduto di fianco a Brian Cooper su un autobus, la cosa aveva funzionato. Ma...
- Auteur:Lane, AmySommaire:
Tate "Talker" Walker hat den größten Teil seines Lebens damit verbracht, seine Narben unter der grellen Fassade eines Punks zu verstecken und bis er sich das erste Mal neben Brian Cooper in den Bus setzte hat es auch funktioniert. Aber...
- Auteur:Kinsella, WarrenSommaire:
The X Gang face off with Earl Turner, a presidential candidate straight out of their nightmares. It is a dangerous, divisive time in America. A far-right political candidate is seeking the presidency and stirring up hatred against...
- Auteur:Binnie, ImogenSommaire:
This program is read by the author."Nevada is a book that changed my life: it shaped both my worldview and personhood, making me the writer I am. And it did so by the oldest of methods, by telling a wise, hilarious, and gripping...
- Auteur:McPheeters, Sam.Sommaire:
How can so many people pledge allegiance to punk, something with no fixed identity? Depending on who and where you are, punk can be an outlet, excuse, lifestyle, escapism, conversation, community, ideology, sales category, social...
- Auteur:Lane, AmySommaire:
Segundo libro de la serie Talker El pasado de Tate Walker es demasiado doloroso para borrarlo, a pesar de que el chico de sus sueños, Brian Cooper, está a su lado. Este ha hecho hasta lo imposible por él, pero Talker (que siempre ha...
- Auteur:Lane, AmySommaire:
Seguito di La guarigione di Talker Sei riuscito a sopravvivere... ma cosa fai dopo? Brian Cooper si è ripreso dall’assalto che l’ha quasi ucciso e Tate Walker ha affrontato i suoi demoni. Quello che rimane... sono loro due. Crescere...
- Auteur:Oseland, JamesSommaire:
Before James Oseland was a judge on Top Chef Masters, he was a teenage rebel growing up in the California suburbs. Diving headfirst into the churning mayhem of punk, he renamed himself Jimmy Neurosis and journeyed into a vibrant...
- Auteur:McWhirter, TeresaSommaire:
Five Little Bitches chronicles the rise and fall of the all-woman band, Wet Leather. Each of the women is plagued by her own unique demons, but their devotion to music and the punk lifestyle keeps them pushing on. As the band progresses...
- Auteur:Sanford Blades, SusanSommaire:
Fake it so Real takes on the fallout from a punk-rock lifestyle--the future of "no future"--and its effect on the subsequent generations of one family. In June of 1983, Gwen, a gnarly Nancy Spungen look-alike, meets Damian, the...
- Auteur:Block, Francesca Lia.Sommaire:
\With their parents away, four young people form a rock band that becomes wildly popular, carrying them into a "freer" life than they can cope with.
- Auteur:Wohlsen, MarcusSommaire:
Marcus Wohlsen chronicles biohacking DIY scientists working to solve the world's biggest problems with DNA. Wohlsen also explores risks of DIY bioterrorism, genetic experiments gone awry, and if designing life from scratch on a...
- Auteur:Schroeder, RandySommaire:
On the eve of his thirtieth birthday, aging punk Lor Kowalski is unsure of his sanity. He is haunted by hallucinogens and harbingers, strung out on broken stories that he cannot piece together into a lucid whole. Forced to join his old...