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Police --England --London

  • Auteur:
    Ruth Rendell

    The first young woman murdered has a bite mark on her neck, prompting the media to dub her killer "The Rottweiler." But soon it becomes clear that the Rottweiler is a serial garroter.

  • Auteur:
    LEATHER, Stephen

    In different parts of London, three recruits prepare for their first day at the Metropolitan Police's training centre at Hendon. Assist.Comm. Peter Latham announces plans that he wants them to join a team of undercover detectives...

  • Auteur:
    Cynthia Harrod-Eagles

    "It's Detective Inspector Bill Slider's day off and he had hoped to have some quiet time with Joanna, his pregnant fiancee. But a woman's body is found in the park and he finds himself back to work sooner than he...

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